Monday, January 31, 2011

Vintage Valentines

Monday, feels like one to me. So, I thought I would share some "happies" with you all today - vintage valentines. I have been collecting old postcards for quite some time. I have little collections for all of the holidays and seasons and I love to tuck the cards around mirrors and in my bookshelves to celebrate days throughout the year. Each little card is a work of art on the front and back, as I love the words penned on the back of each postcard to loved ones. This is a glimpse into the lives of those who lived before us. To me, they are so much more meaningful than the emails and You Tube videos of today. What will people say about our society when they use these as a glimpse about how we lived back in 2011? I shudder to think. Antoine Dodson will be the poster child for our society. Obviously, that is a problem. We are better than You Tube, aren't we? I'll pray about that answer.
Anywho, here are my little valentine sussies tucked here and there. I do love Valentine's Day and sending and receiving cards. It's just so fun to hold a big red or pink envelope in your hands and see what is inside. I wish you all a happy Monday!


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