Friday, October 8, 2010

Flashback Friday - A Child of the Seventies

I have been thinking a lot about my childhood lately. I think it has something to do with my birthday coming-up and my children telling me that I am OLD! Well, I don't feel all that old but the world is a much different place than it was forty years ago when I first arrived here - some for the better and some for the worse. I wish life wasn't so frantic and fast-paced. Everything is instant! I tell the mini-pearls stories about the "olden days" when I was little, and we had cartoons for an hour after school and Saturday mornings - only! The one that nearly brings them to tears is telling them about taking road-trips in the car with no TV or video games. (I used to bring those water toys that you press a button and it forced the little colored rings up and you tried to "hook" them. And later, I got a small, battery operated Simon.We also tried to get truckers to honk at us until our arms ached and the worst was the "family"
John Denver sing-a-longs.) Good times.

So, I rounded-up a few images of that wonderful point in time - the Seventies. This is just a few. I am short on time and very tired tonight, but I will have a part 2 at some point. It was too much fun to look these up. Enjoy! Have a fabulous weekend!

Were you a little bit country or a little bit rock n roll?
I watched the Donny and Marie show religiously. I wanted to be an Osmond!
My Daddy took me to see them in concert in Kindergarten.
Yes, I had, make that HAVE these dolls. They are in the closet in the hall. I didn't use my dolls for a picture,as Donny has a ripped crotch and this is a family friendly blog!

I had this exact lunch box! I was thrilled to find a picture of it.

It was a luxurious "white patten" vinyl. It was this Kindergarten girl's idea of cool and I loved it!

What I would give to have some of this again. Peach was the best! I really loved the little tins that it came in and the lid that slid-off.

My first perfume! I think I wore this until I "graduated" to "Lauren" in 7th grade! I remember receiving it in a stocking one year for Christmas and it had a small, pink teddy bear with it!

Holly Hobbie sleeping bag - oh the good times I had with this! If it could talk, it would be singing Xanadu and Grease or wanting to play a game of "Light as a Feather". I used this up until junior high and then I think I was made fun of one too many times and got something else. I can still remember how soft the pink lining was after being washed so many times!

Here's to Good Times,


Photos: ebay

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