We finally have our plans finished for the renovation and we are seeking out the perfect contractor. I sort of feel like I'm looking for a husband with my husband. Is that weird? The qualities that one would want in a mate are the ones that one would want in a contractor: honesty, loyalty, hard-working. Ok, my list for my "potential husband" was a bit longer (and Mr. Pearl met every one!) but you get my point. It is hard to choose someone to work with you on something as intimate as your home. I'll let you know who passes the test.
The exciting part is that I now have a drawing of the vision that I had in my mind all along. Mr. Pearl, bless his heart, was totally following me blindly, as he could not see what I saw in the house. He wasn't sure until he saw the drawings. He is on-board now and ready to go. Yeah! I am looking forward to the entire project, but the exterior is really close to my heart, as this old girl (the house, not me) is ready to start her transformation into a French beauty. The plans call for "louvered copper dormers" and I have been researching them. How gorgeous are these?

I am loving them all and can't wait to see one in a spot of honor on the house. What do you think?
photos via: chrisind.com and copper-inc.com
Looks amazing!!!