Today is a special day. Today I am attending Puttin' on the Pink. This is a luncheon to honor those who are courageously fighting the fight against breast cancer, remember those who have lost the fight and raise awareness and funding to move forward into the future and find a cure! This is a cause that is close to my heart and I wish it wasn't. My dear cousin, Paula, lost her fight with the disease a couple of years ago at thirty-nine. Paula fought fearlessly for six years against this disease. My cousin, Keri, is a survivor but it wasn't easy. I am now on my knees praying for my sweet friends, Amy, Alicia and Kay. These three women have been diagnosed within the last couple of months. They have strapped-on their pink, boxing gloves and are prepared to fight to the finish and good health!

Today I am "puttin' on my pink" and going to spend a lovely afternoon with some very special friends but I hope that my message isn't too sugar-coated... I encourage everyone to perform self-exams and get your mammograms! Support those around you and don't take their presence in your life for granted. I am praying for my dear friends and readers, too. You are all special.

Take care of yourselves and your ta-ta's!
photos via: stylefrizz, countryliving, bostonhearld, housebeautiful
I'm so glad you're going today. Thinking of you, Amy, Alicia, and Kay today (and pretty much everyday right now). xoxo