We have hit the ground running into the new year. We said good-bye to 2011 very quietly here at home. This year is going to be a busy one, so I guess this was the calm before the storm. The mini-pearls start back to school this morning and Mr. Pearl and I are going to start packing-up the house to get ready for our move in a few weeks!
I am looking forward to each new adventure and although I don't like to make "resolutions" per say (I feel it just sets me up to fail), I have set a few "goals" for 2012. I am going to live in the moment. For me, this means embracing the craziness of three school-age children that are still (but not for long) dependent on me for a lot. I will miss this when it is gone and I don't want to regret the attitude with which I perform my everyday tasks. This will require daily, if not hourly, reminders! I also want to read the Bible this year. Yes, cover to cover. I have not ever attempted this and I have a Daily Walk Bible that I have purchased to walk me through. I also have a goal to get organized. I am leaving this open, as organizing my entire life will never happen, so I am going to organize this and that, as I go. Yesterday, I started by putting seventeen years worth of pictures in chronological order and put them in new, fancy photo boxes from the Container Store. Yes, I spent my New Year's Day on the floor in a sea of photographs from me and the mister's entire married life. Whew! If I don't organize anything else this year, I will consider this goal accomplished.

I wish you all the best for 2012 and that you accomplish all of your goals!
I will leave you with some photos of our all too short Christmas break!
Cousins on Christmas Eve
The Minis all received electronics from Santa
and it made for a very quiet and calm Christmas Day. Yes, a gift for everyone!
Christmas Day lunch and cracker crowns!
Happy 2012!