Friday, May 6, 2011

Flashback Friday - Royal Weddings

Are you tired of all of the Royal Wedding nonsense yet? Me? Not so much. I will let Catherine and Wills have a break, as they have a pressing duty to attend to and provide the world with an heir. Royals past? They are fair game and just in case it has been a while since you last studied pictures from Royal Weddings past, I thought I would share a few with you.

Queen Victoria
Some say that we have her to thank for starting the whole "white wedding" dress thing.

King Edward Vll - 1863

King George V - 1893

The Queen Mum in 1923.
Little did she know what was ahead of her. She was just marrying a prince.

Wallis Simpson and Edward
Scandal! Ok, so this really wasn't a "royal wedding" but I am so amazed at all that Edward gave up to marry an (gasp!) American, (gasp!) divorce'.

The Queen, then Princess Elizabeth - 1947

Grace Kelly
No, not British but oh so beautiful and every inch a princess.

Princess Margaret 1960
What's up with the animal hide?

Happy Friday All,


photos via:,,,,

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