Monday, July 29, 2013

Climb Every Mountain, Ford Every Stream

Sweet Pea in Telluride

I have heard the Reverend Mother from the Sound of Music singing this song in my head as the soundtrack of my summer. Does anyone else do that? Play a constant soundtrack of your life in your head? Well, I have never claimed to be normal. This summer was supposed to be one that we would lay-low and stay close to home. Boy was that ever a wrong assumption! 
I got out of my comfort zone and had some great adventures with the mini-pearls and Mr. P. My comfort zone that consists of carefully planning vacations and mapping-out our calendar to a "t." So, accepting an invitation to leave town for a week with all three kiddos with less than twenty-four hours to prepare - way out of that zone! But, I did it and had a marvelous time with a precious friend and her boys in the mountains.

Me and the Mini-pearls overlooking Ralph Lauren's ranch

The whole gang!

Sport started a rock collection on the trip

Fisherman and his fly rod

Mr. P and I sent Sweet Pea and Sporty to two different camps for two weeks each. Two different camps, on two different schedules, with only one week of overlapping time. That is two drop-offs and two pick-ups - a logistical nightmare. However, Baby Girl wanted horses and SCUBA lessons at camp this summer. These were not available at the camp she previously attended with Sport. The things we do for our children. What about Fisherman, you ask? In spite of the fact that he is our "outdoorsman" and one would think that camp would be heaven for him, it is not. The boy has given it the old college try, more than once, at some of the best camps in Texas and well, camp just isn't for him. Therefore, a fishing trip was in order.

Sweet Pea and her camp buddy

For anyone who says that Texas isn't beautiful, this is a picture of the river valley where Sport is in camp. Sweet Pea's was just over the hills in the distance....beautiful!

Dropping Sport off at camp

Mr. P decided to take Fisherman bay fishing on the coast. I was invited to tag along on the boys' trip. Here again, I left my comfort zone to stay in a fish camp cabin with two of my boys. I ate barbecue and cheese and peanut butter crackers, got up before dawn and yes ladies, I held my own! I out-fished the boys the first day (my son was not pleased). I stayed in a place where the only food was fried and the nearest vegetable was the wilted lettuce garnish on my fish plate. I caught a shark and I held it and had the opportunity of a lifetime to make memories with my oldest son and husband.

The Boys' Fishing Trip

Mr. P and I did sneak in a quick trip away for a few days and now, here we are. It's the end of July and school starts in two short weeks! Football and homework and carpools - oh my! Sporty is still at camp this week, so I have my two oldest at home. What a summer!

Enjoy these last few says of summertime and step out of your comfort zone!


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