Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Children and Design

I pinned these rooms over a year ago when I was seeking bedroom inspiration for Sweet Pea's room in the new (we have been in for a year already!) house. If you read this here blog from time to time, you can easily tell which of these rooms is my style and which is my darling daughter's style. Any guesses? 

I want my children to love their rooms and take pride in their spaces. As much as I would like to dictate every aspect of the design and make their rooms "picture" ready, life just doesn't work that way. I love the look of more muted colors and paired-down design for their rooms, but that is not what makes them happy and inspires them. I tried to treat my children like little, pro-bono clients and let them show me what appeals to them and help come up with the design for their rooms. The result? They could not be happier and I am, too. Do I long for more muted colors and perhaps more sophistication in their rooms? Absolutely! But I do have the rest of the house to play with. I love that my kids are excited to entertain their friends in our home, OUR home, and they love their rooms, so in the end, isn't that what good design is all about?




photos via Pinterest

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